If you have dementia

 One-on-one, on-line or telephone sessions understanding the unique needs of those living with dementia, providing a safe space for individuals to explore their feelings and the challenges  this diagnosis can bring. 

With an experienced counsellor who has extensive knowlegde of dementia and is able to address the specific issues of living with brain changes in a supportive environment  for the exploration of the individual's challenges and emotions

  • sessions of 50 minutes
  • Experienced dementia specific counsellor
  • Safe space

Carer Counselling

Is for any family member affected by dementia to explore feelings and challenges, enhance communication and understanding,   and provide tools and supportfor managing the impact of the dementia.

Carer counselling sessions provide a safe space where the experienced counsellor with specialist dementia knowledge can help carers to explore the changes, and emotions,  while navigating the challenges of dementia and also improve communication and  strengthen relationships.

  • Explore emotions
  • Navigate challenges
  • Dementia specialist counsellor

Caregiver Support

Designed to help those caring for individuals with Dementia navigate the emotional and practical demands of caregiving. Our sessions offer relationship support and self-care strategies.

Carer support  offers dementia education, practical tools and resources to empower carers in their role, promoting self-care and resilience in the face of the demands of dementiacare demands.

  • Dementia education
  • Self-care strategies
  • relationship support

“The support I received from Alzheimer's Counselling has been invaluable in helping me navigate the challenges of caring for my loved one with Alzheimer's. I feel heard, understood, and supported throughout my journey.”